Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dream Sept. 8th 2009

September 8th, 2009
I'm riding a motorcycle on the highway. I take an off ramp to a school parking lot, but the lot is flooded. There is a wooden bridge made out of two 2x4s which I walk the bike across. Inside the school, which is huge, I find my way to the locker room. There are shower everywhere and the only thing that separates the girls and boys side is a row of toilets. Inside the locker room I find a pair of my pants, a shampoo bottle and a box of CD's, some people are holding and looking at. I take my CD's and shampoo out to a white van that I guess is mine. After setting the box down I realize I forgot my pants. I run inside and try to find the locker room again. In and out of rooms, the gym, finally I find the locker room. I grab my pants and get out to the van. There are two other people in the van with me. We drive to an airport where we get aboard a blimp. John (an employee at Kings) is in there as well as some others. One of the people has a disguise which he removes to reveal he's the Joker! He shoots some people with suction cup darts. At there is a gun instead of a “bang “ flag, which, after a few minutes stuck to some peoples' foreheads, shoots them.

John has toe fly the blimp! Somehow he parallel parks it on the side of a street. We get out. For some reason I pile into my car and then park it a few streets from my house. I get out. Again I'm back in the blimp only this time Rocky is flying it. He tries to park the blimp almost like professional drivers will I-brake park a car. It almost hits a van but doesn't and almost stops at the curb but doesn't. It floats a little and then starts to fall down the hill on the other side of the curb. We have to climb out. I get to my house and after a while I forget that my car is down the street. I want to get it. Some blonde girl convinces me to climb fences rather than go out my front door. At every yard there is a dog. The first do doesn't bother us. As I climb the next fence, which is wire on a green metal bar, a little white dog lunges at me. The blonde girl gets across OK. I jump into the yard and the dog jumps at me but someone yells and the dog stops. The yards become separated by a little path. As I walk down this path I look down and see a bunch of lady bugs chasing a larger one. There is like twenty of them. I walk a few more steps and someone yells “hi” to me from behind a house. I say “hi” back and finally reach the street. My alarm goes off.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

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