Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dream Sept. 13th, 2009

September 13th, 2009
I'm sorry I don't really remember much from this dream. There was a pick-up truck that I was in, also one driving next to us. In-front of the other truck was a Deuce Coupe. They were apperantly not going fast enough and the other truck got right up behind them. They then started to push them. I remember the driver reaching back and trying to push the truck back. The coupe loses control and goes spinning. I tell the driver of our truck to stop. I get out and yell at the driver of the other truck. I walk over to the couple in the coupe and give them hugs. They are wearing some shirts that I use to wear to raves, all shinny and stuff. I talk for a minute and the man says "We just wast to hold hands right now."

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

Drean Sept. 12th, 2009

September 12th, 2009
I remember trying to get into a movie theater. For some reason they were searching me and confinscated some pot. The people were very curiuos about it. They smelled it and pulled some nuggets out. One was really red, and almost looked like a flower. When I get inside the scene becomes somebody's house. Some other people had smuggled some of their pot in. When the home owner heard plastic bags he became very angry. He started to take pot and flush it down the toilet. This went on for a few minutes, everyone was trying to hide theirs. After a while the scene changes, to me driving in the woods. My girlfriend and a friend of mine spotted a bear. I told them to get inside the car. As the bear got closer my girlfriend grabbed my arm and screamed. I became upset because she wouldn't get inside. Finally I push her in as the bear came up to the driver side window. I honked my horn to try and scare it. That didnt work. Some people walked by in-front of my car and the bear ran away. Next I was in the back of a car and there was no driver! I looked out the back window and I saw a car full of people all dressed for prom. The car I'm in was speeding out of control and slams into a blue van. The car stops rolling and I step out. I walk into a comic book/toy store. Inside I saw packages of Micro Machines. In one there was a Doctor Octopuss, another had a few Mustangs and an SR71 Blackbird. There were all sorts of sets as well as single packages. One was a Dodge Viper colored pink and purple. There was a few Sailor Moon figures and some animal Micro Machines. I end up getting a pink and purple Lamborghini. Also there are some metal figures. There were some bears that looked like there were made of crystal or had crystal fur I should say. There were also some dragons and a castle. I end up getting the bear. I then walk over to the comics and look for some Deadpool comics, as well as some others I've never heard of. My girlfriend walks in and she amazingly is ok with me getting comics and figurines.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dream Sept. 9th 2009

September 9th, 2009
a.k.a. 09-09-09

I apologize for this entry.
I'm not a fan of work dreams so I really didn't concentrate on remembering it as much as I should have.

I had a dream purely taking place at work. There was a part where I was with the Mythbusters. We were trying to throw a ball at a tower of the rubberish stuff they use for bodies. Some of my friends get locked in a trailer and while it was backing up my foot gets caught. I went upwards like a elevator but got free in the nick of time.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

Dream Sept. 8th 2009

September 8th, 2009
I'm riding a motorcycle on the highway. I take an off ramp to a school parking lot, but the lot is flooded. There is a wooden bridge made out of two 2x4s which I walk the bike across. Inside the school, which is huge, I find my way to the locker room. There are shower everywhere and the only thing that separates the girls and boys side is a row of toilets. Inside the locker room I find a pair of my pants, a shampoo bottle and a box of CD's, some people are holding and looking at. I take my CD's and shampoo out to a white van that I guess is mine. After setting the box down I realize I forgot my pants. I run inside and try to find the locker room again. In and out of rooms, the gym, finally I find the locker room. I grab my pants and get out to the van. There are two other people in the van with me. We drive to an airport where we get aboard a blimp. John (an employee at Kings) is in there as well as some others. One of the people has a disguise which he removes to reveal he's the Joker! He shoots some people with suction cup darts. At there is a gun instead of a “bang “ flag, which, after a few minutes stuck to some peoples' foreheads, shoots them.

John has toe fly the blimp! Somehow he parallel parks it on the side of a street. We get out. For some reason I pile into my car and then park it a few streets from my house. I get out. Again I'm back in the blimp only this time Rocky is flying it. He tries to park the blimp almost like professional drivers will I-brake park a car. It almost hits a van but doesn't and almost stops at the curb but doesn't. It floats a little and then starts to fall down the hill on the other side of the curb. We have to climb out. I get to my house and after a while I forget that my car is down the street. I want to get it. Some blonde girl convinces me to climb fences rather than go out my front door. At every yard there is a dog. The first do doesn't bother us. As I climb the next fence, which is wire on a green metal bar, a little white dog lunges at me. The blonde girl gets across OK. I jump into the yard and the dog jumps at me but someone yells and the dog stops. The yards become separated by a little path. As I walk down this path I look down and see a bunch of lady bugs chasing a larger one. There is like twenty of them. I walk a few more steps and someone yells “hi” to me from behind a house. I say “hi” back and finally reach the street. My alarm goes off.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

Dream Sept. 7th 2009

September 7th, 2009
I'm in a snow covered forest looking for my sister, who is studying wolves. For some reason I climb under the snow and try to catch rodents, which are running around on top. I hear the wolves coming and I jump out of the snow. One is very close to me and I put out my hand and it lets me pet it. After a while I leave and while I'm walking back my sister catches up to me to tell me she needs a new phone. I tell her she is studying wolves she doesn't need a phone. She says that the people she's with have laptops and I say “probably because they are studying wolves.” I talk to my dad anyways, who has a really cheesy phone, and of course he says “No.” Somehow where I met the wolves turns into a playing field for some kind of game, in which you select creatures and they have special abilities. There is points. I make a basket, from behind my back, for 3 points? I dunno kind of weird. I get back home and a couple of people are way out in the back yard. I tell them to get back inside because I see a mass of jets flying overhead. Tons, has to be fifty or more. As the people walk up a procession of cars drives up. These cars have flames cut out of the body panels. They are replaced by plexiglass which has a purplish pink light underneath. I'm wearing a green and dark blue striped shirt. Out of one of the cars steps a younger Asian girl, who is wearing a similar green and dark blue shirt. She has two older brothers who also have the same shirts. Out of the lead car an old Asian man, almost Yakuza mob boss like, steps out. Apparently we fought a while back and I flash back to the fight, we are sword fighting and I won. He hands me some small swords and knives, then he pretends to be reluctant to hand me his sword, it's the one he fought with, he hands it to me and smile. He is and honorable man.

Pardon the interruption.
This portion of the dream was really messed up.
I titled it, and would kind of like to make a short film based on it.
That would be sick.

The Curse: A Dream

My mom's not feeling well, she lays down by a window. Outside is an orange and yellow cat. I'm looking at the cat when the window opens a few inches on its own. The cat leaves and I close the window. Again the cat comes back and the cat stares at me. The window opens more this time. I entice the cat to the window and ofter some clawing and scratching I grab it by the scruff and pull it inside. Shortly after a black dog comes to the window I grab a cleaver and cut the cats head off. I then walk back to the window and thrown the cat at the dog. My mom is sitting up now next to my dad, who begins to talk. He stop. He reaches inside his mouth and pulls a bloody tooth out. He reaches in again and continues to pull out some more teeth. My mom starts to say something to him, when he reaches over and pulls on her ear, her ear begins to rip off her head. He is holding the bloody ear in his hand. I wake up.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

Dream Sept. 6th 2009

September 6th, 2009
I only remember bits and pieces. The first part of my dream was a lot of pot smoking. I was with some people I don't want to mention. Ha. I remember a part where a police officer pulls over a car infront of us but comes and looks in out car. There is a girl in the front seat. The officer does the same to a line of cars. I also remember a gazebo with some old friends in it. Jesse Mestes, Jenny Hunt, and there are some tiki torches. Also the gazebo is very much bohemian like. Lots of pillows and tapestries. From there I remember being down the seasonal isle at my store, King Soopers, but drinking alcoholic beverages. Em, a friend was there serving drinks from behind the bar. I remember three separate orders and feeling bad because I only tipped one dollar for each order. I take the drinks back to our table and Jim my manager is there I had my sister ask for money from her friends for all of the drinks, I never got any. I remember someone with a hamburger not wanting to eat it and Jim and I splitting it. Also the was a Lego set with race cars but they were Hot Wheels instead. There was a Corvette and an old IROC Z Camero. They were painted blue with purple chameleon paint jobs. I remember my sister had a stuffed animal toy and one leg was larger than the other. Turns out she was making a layer of Lego s around the dog. Matching its shape and color.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

Dream Sept. 4th 2009

September 4th, 2009
I'm flying on Park Street (another street by my house) when I see a MECH walking around, the scene changes to a video game. I try shooting the MECH which looks like a big beetle. It has no effect. I find another MECH and climb aboard. This one is like a huge rhino. It has a little remote control type vehicle which launches missiles. As I drive the little remote, the enemy MECH lock on my remote with a satellite beam. The little remote is too fast to hit and while the MECH is firing the little remote is able to launch several missiles at it. Repeating this a while I am able to destroy the MECH. It seems the game is over. I turn around to be greeted by an Asian lady, looks famous and familiar, and her lesbian lover. I am Asked to take photos of her. I guess she's a model. We walk to a back yard and she turns into a friend of mine Audra Dixon, cute< who poses for a few pictures. She's wearing a white top and a long red skirt. Again the scene changes and I'm in Florida trying to skim board with Jeremy Davis. I use to really do it, but for some reason I can't seem to do it. Jeremy on the other hand is getting onto waves and pretty much surfing. Finally I catch on and “grind” some waves, bust some tricks and the dream is over.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd

Dream Aug. 27th 2009

Here is a little look into the world of me, or maybe I just have F'ed up dreams. Please feel free to respond to any of these with you comments or thoughts. I have many dream books, some of it I believe, but some of it just seems a little silly. I don't mind if you analyze but please No Flaming. If you have any suggestions about the title, also very open to those as well. I have really bad spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This a first attempt at something like this so please be gentle. Thank you for all your input, and thank you for reading...
The Dreams of: An Open Heart, An Open Mind

August 27th, 2009
I remember walking downtown and watching fireworks exploding in the clouds. The clouds light up with different colors. I look down down and then I'm in Florida looking for turtles along the water in peoples yards. I get to the tip of the island or the piece of land I'm on and I remember someone mad at me. There are jets up in the sky, one is flying from right to left, this one seems to be from a hostile country. We run inside the house. There are US jets flying at it. One fires some kind of spray missile, which opens up into some kind of spray shots, and misses. Another tries to do the same.

Then I see a US jet crashing, looking out from the angry homeowner's window, it takes up the whole window, it's huge. After that I remember driving down Meadows Pkwy (as street near my house) and Meadows Blvd. A lady in a small SUV won't let me merge. I stop the car and she does the same. Somehow we are on ATV s and racing. Hitting jumps taking tight turns. I think I said something to her about her being a “cougar”. After racing for a while we come to a steep hill. My ATV starts to slip. I fall and slide down the hill. The ATV loses a wheel. It hits a jump and goes flying into a ravine. The lady and I get it out and she says she can fix it, she apparently builds, built her car. We end up looking outside for yetis somehow she has a yeti tracker? Whatever. We are on out way to a UFC fight, we meet up with Jill's uncle (can't remember his name) and his brother. The dream is over.

Writen by:
An opEn hEArt, aN opeN miNd